Users of Windows 7 may have noticed a new message this morning that support will be discontinued January 14, 2020:

Don’t worry, there’s no need to panic. This doesn’t mean that Windows 7 will no longer function on this date, but that new security updates will no longer be available for Windows 7.

And if you’d rather not see this notification tomorrow, check the “Do not remind me again” box as outlined in red above. This is a not-so-subtle push for users to migrate to Windows 10.

However, with nearly 40% of all Windows machines still using Windows 7, I’m not entirely convinced that Microsoft can realistically hold this date for end of support. Time will tell. For more information on this topic, Engadget has published an excellent brief article.

I’ve written previously on major problems in some areas (such as our rural setting where high-speed internet is sparse) that make running Windows 10 difficult.

So what’s a person to do?

I’m experimenting with some alternatives to Windows 10 that will provide inexpensive options for those who primarily need capacity for web access, email, and other light office work. But eventually, it seems Windows 10 is inevitable. Contact us if you’d like recommendations for a new laptop, tablet, etc. or if you’d like a sweet custom-built desktop/gaming rig.

But there’s hope. Microsoft recently announced the giant forced update downloads (often up to 6 gigabytes!) will no longer be forced. Details in this How-To Geek article reveal new options for Windows 10 users that more closely resemble those available users of all previous versions of Windows. This is great news for those of us on limited data plans or users in remote settings with slow internet!

Who knows—this may also mean there will be a Windows 11, much to the chagrin of Microsoft, I’m sure.

Windows 7 End of Support Notifications
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